Heating & Cooling Products in Bayfield, CO Area

Fahrenheit Enterprises also offers products for business and home owners to purchase to complete, repair, or enhance their refrigeration or heating and cooling system.


If you need a large industrial refrigerator or a simple cooler, we have a wide range of units available. We also have parts and components to repair your refrigeration or make it more efficient. These include evaporators, condensing units, condensers, fluid coolers, coils, air handlers, and heat reclaim units. We also have thermometers and system analyzers to ensure your refrigeration unit is keeping food at a safe temperature.

Restaurant Industry

Fahrenheit Enterprises offers several valuable products to the restaurant industry that contribute to their heating, cooling, and refrigeration systems. These products include commercial kitchen equipment, reach-in or walk-in coolers and freezers, slicers and dishwashers, water fountains and water coolers, ice machines, exhaust hood and make-up air units, and preventative maintenance and installation of all these parts. Some brands we work with include Mitsubishi, Lennox Heatcraft, Armstrong Crescor, Hobart Victory, and more.

Location: 39981 US Hwy 160 #2 • Bayfield, CO 81122 | Phone: (970) 259-5522 | Email: Info@heatdurango.com